My Reviews Empower you to make the best buying decisions.

I Review Online Courses, Products And Softwares.

DON'T get scammed by fake gurus or online fraudsters!

Let a certified copywriter do the research for you! The most cunning online marketers can't deceive me.  

I've read and used every online marketing trick in the book. I have a no bias rule here.  It's pretty simple. I tell you if a product is worth it or not. PERIOD.

My Review Criteria

I have listed out my review criteria to help you understand how I come to a conclusion.


  • The Claim: Are the seller's claims true? Are they exaggerated?
  • The Pricing: Is the product reasonably priced?Expensive? Affordable?
  • Is The Information Sufficient: Does this product or course give you enough information to build your own business or make money online? 


  • Quality:  Does the information presented add value? Is it useful to know?
  • User Feedback: What do other customers think of the product?
  • Implementation: How challenging is it to actually implement what the product or course is trying to teach you? Are the resources needed to implement it accessible?

Reaching My Final Recommendation

Using this review criteria, I produce a final recommendation from one of the five options below

This will help guide your decision on whether to buy or not. I am excited to provide you with reliable reviews and trustworthy recommendations that will lead you to the best possible decision.


See below a more detailed summary of what each conclusion signifies.

No Brainer!

This means you should ABSOLUTELY get it! It adds a ton of value, it offers what it advertises, and you will most definitely get what you paid for.

Pretty Good!

This means the item is above average, it adds value, and offers what it advertises. However it is not exceptional or a must have. You will mostly get what you paid for.


This means I'm neutral and don't officially recommend this item. It is neither terrible nor great. This is for items I don't feel very strongly about in either direction.


This means the item exaggerates what it advertises and doesn't deliver on its promises. The quality is below average. This item may be a scam. I don't recommend buying this item.


This means the item is a scam. I do NOT recommend buying this item whatsoever. It does not deliver on what it advertises at all. Do NOT waste your money.

My Values



Tired of bad, dishonest reviews? Then hear what I have to say instead!

I offer genuine and honest product reviews. I conduct my reviews with your interests in mind.


Added Utility

I aim to give you value. Whether you learn something new or make a better, more informed decision, I'm just happy to have a positive impact.



I'm interested in recommending ONLY what I believe are the best products or courses. If I wouldn't recommend it to my mother, then I wouldn't recommend it to you.
